HF services worldwide
Customer service plays a key role for any company in
the mechanical engineering sector. After all, nothing is
worse for a customer than a machine not working at its
best or even experiencing the failure of system parts.
That is why top service has also been a high priority at
the HF MIXING GROUP from the very beginning. How-
ever, demands have changed at a tremendous pace in
recent years, driven by technological advancements and
Besides development and sales, service is also crucial
to the overall success of the HF MIXING GROUP. Ulti-
mately, customers in the plastics and tyre industry de-
pend on 100 per cent availability and a high degree of
operational reliability when it comes to their systems.
Their production capacity is based on a shift operation,
24 hours a day, seven days a week. ‘Unplanned down-
times can quickly lead to losses of 100,000 euros and
more per day,’ explains Reinhard Jenne, head of cus-
tomer service at the HF MIXING GROUP in Freudenberg.
Accordingly, his area of responsibility is primarily con-
cerned with averting unplanned downtimes by taking
preventive service and maintenance measures at an
early stage.
To this end, Jenne must ensure that the HF service team
can be contacted day and night and is able to act imme-
diately in serious cases. Availability is guaranteed by the
24-hour service hotline. ‘In a globalised world, taking
immediate action is easier said than done. Although we
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