originally been built back in 1985 by the training work-
shop under the stewardship of Kasimir Kulczycki, but
the electrotechnical elements were updated by Eric
Meier in 2013 as part of his thesis while studying to
become a mechatronics engineer. With an air of expertise,
he explained to fascinated onlookers how the internal
mixer works and outlined the rubber production process.
A second model was used to demonstrate various
pneumatic functions, another kind of technology used
in HF machinery. Also leaving lasting impressions in the
truest sense of the word were the name badges bear-
ing the logo of the HF MIXING GROUP, to which stand
visitors were able to add their own names using a letter
punch set.
Get involved and learn:
keen interest at the HF MIXING GROUP stand.
At the end of the event, the team agreed that it had been a successful day!
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