Ian Wilson
Paul White
Steve Peterson
Dr. Harald Keuter
Riccardo Curti
Ian Wilson, business unit director at Farrel
Rochdale, UK, since 2011
43 years old, married, 2 children
Chartered engineer, 27 years of experience
Director of the business unit Tangential Mixers
After his career started in 1985 at Francis Shaw
as a design engineer, he switched over to
Farrel UK in 2001, becoming the sales director.
Big fan of Manchester City
Paul White, site director at HF Rubber Machinery,
Topeka, USA, since 2008
35 years of experience in the production of machines
for the rubber industry
Started in 1982 as project planner in the Technical
department; Head of Technical department since 1989
Responsible for engineering field service since 1997
‘Mixing Together’ reminds him of the old Turtles’ song
‘Happy Together’. In his opinion, we should write
matching ‘Mixing Lyrics’ to this song
Steve Peterson, business unit director at Farrel
Pomini, Ansonia, USA, since 2011
Was in charge of different projects in the Sales
department, both in the office and in the field
Active for plastic processing machines since 1979
Vice-President of Engineering since 2000
Within the framework of the reorganisation in 2005,
he undertook the management of the Engineering
Dr Harald Keuter, business unit director at Harburg-
Freudenberger, Freudenberg, Germany, since 2010
45 years old, married, 3 children
Mechanical engineering graduate with specialty
process engineering; doctorate at the Institute for
Rubber Technology in Paderborn, Germany, in 2002
Technical director at Harburg-Freudenberger since 2002
and director of sales since 2007
Likes cycling and skiing
Riccardo Curti, business unit director and managing
director at Pomini Rubber & Plastics Srl. in Castel-
lanza, Italy, since 2007
Born in Milano in 1948
Studied mechanical engineering at the ‘Politechnico
di Milano’ University
Came to Pomini in 1997 as director of Techint
business unit for rubber and plastics
Together with his employees he is proud to represent
Italy in our international Group
Big fan of Inter Milano FC
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