HF MIXING GROUP - Brochure tires - page 7

The HF MIXING GROUP uses its technical expertise to develop compounding facilities and systems while
taking into account increasingly stringent safety and efficiency requirements. It is therefore also particularly
important for us to optimise mixing line procedures by working on improved coordination between indi-
vidual line components and the control system. We believe that integrating machines and control systems
will continue to gain importance in future, just as we have seen with the development of the automobile.
We have therefore set ourselves the goal to optimise the availability of mixing lines, enabling you to plan
for unavoidable standstills.
Upstream equipment
material feeding system – fillers, plasticisers, rubber
Mixing room automation system
Drive chain
Downstream equipment
single-screw or twin-screw discharge extruder,
mill(s) and batch-off unit
1,2,3,4,5,6 8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,...24
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