HF MIXING GROUP - Brochure technical rubber goods - page 18

ram position controller
The manner in which the ram moves after the
mixture components are added is of great im-
portance in process engineering. It is gaining in
significance due to more complex, difficult-to-
process recipes and their components. Innova-
tions such as the iRam and the ram movement
controller module of the Advise
system make
it possible to define the ram’s path of move-
ment. This enables numerous benefits in terms
of process engineering. It is a unique ability that
keeps us at the forefront of modern technology
and able to serve you.
More features:
Significant reduction of ram soiling
with lower ram down speeds
User-defined ram position in individual
mixing phases
Pressure reduction possible to
reduce load on the dust seal
Avoidance of ram jams
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