
Pomini Rubber & Plastics at new location

The “Italian Style”

In April 2013 POMINI Rubber & Plastics moved into a stunning, innovative and spacious building. We have asked our colleagues how they are settling into their new premises.

“This was a big change for all of us, both from an organizational and moral point of view, but beyond the descriptions we believe that the most important thing is the sensations and impressions of our employees.”, Riccardo Curti, Machinery Sales Director, Pomini R&P and Camilla Campanini, Executive Assistant. 

Chiara Turconi, Sales Dept.: “In my opinion, the move to the new location has made us more united as group because now our everyday life is completely independent of Pomini Tenova Company. In addition, I think that our new offices are brilliant and modern and so aligned to our attitude and mind.”
Stefano Ferrarato, Technical Dept.: “The separation from the historical site of Pomini, for people like me working in the company for many years, was experienced as a "weed out the roots". But that as "a seed if it does not create a fruit dies" to start here means reborn to new life.”
Silvia Ravezzani, ISO Dept.: “I started working for Pomini Rubber & Plastics two years ago. Two years later, changing location for me was a complete new experience. The first time I saw the new location, I saw a new building: modern, shining and elegant; these are all adjectives that describe Pomini Rubber & Plastics, but also its employees' way of life. For me this is style, the Italian Style.”

Raoul Sbrozzi, After Sales Dept.: “Already two months have passed since we moved to new headquarters in Rescaldina. At the beginning there was a small feeling of disorientation (and some nostalgic memories), normal after several years in Castellanza, but now the acclimatization is perfect. Of course it has been a great change, positive in my opinion: the new workplace is modern, large and bright, the location is nice and quiet; everything improves day by day and I'm very satisfied. One thing fortunately has not changed, the people I work with every day.”

Our new address is as follows:

POMINI Rubber & Plastics srl
Via Bonvesin de la Riva 43
20027 Rescaldina (Milan) • Italy
Tel.: +39 0331 743-111 • Fax: +39 0331 743-204
E-Mail: mixing(at)hf-group.com
