The best technologies, the best solutions | HF Mixing Group

The best technologies provide the best solutions

HF Mixing Group can look back over 150 years of engineering tradition.

All of the significant innovations for the rubber processing industry, such as the invention of the Banbury® Mixer, the development of intermeshing rotor systems with fixed and variable rotor centers (VIC™) and tandem technology, originated within the companies of HF Mixing Group.

It started more than 150 years ago and will continue in the future.

UN initiative reports about HF Group

Report in the yearbook of UN Global Compact

Besides well-known global companies like AUDI and BASF, we are reporting in the UN Global Compact yearbook about our CSR activities in detail. The HF Group has been committed to the Global Compact of the United Nations (UN) since 2015. Joining was a logical decision for us at that time, since the principle of sustainability determines our company's work both in internal and external relations. Almost 13,000 international companies, however only 430 German subscribers, decided to associate with the UN Global Compact as the most important initiative globally for responsible corporate management, and inclusive as well as sustainable world economy. Questions about the environment, work conditions and partner-like dealings with business partners were also included. The Global Compact is not a fixed audit or certification, rather it supports companies which work on and implement their own ideas.

We have worked on our own solutions and standards for the HF Group with this help, and compulsorily implement them. Sustainability includes topics like ISO certifications for us. But contents on prevention and health of our employees are also included. We have forged our own path with our fitness studio STARK at our Freudenberg location.

The report from the yearbook can be read here.

The complete yearbook may be consulted here:
